Mindstein Activity Centre

Activities At Mindstein

Thematic Art 'n' Craft
Who said learning can't be fun! This class is designed to build your child's general knowledge base while he/she enjoys and creates an art or craft activity related to the theme. Themes are introduced using visual aids.

Fitness Fun
A fun way to stay fit. Classes will include fun exercises, stretching, music and movement and other exciting activities. These classes are aimed at building children's skill of team work, cooperation, balance, agility and refinement of gross motor and fine motor skills.

Everyday Science
Introducing themes such as our body, our environment, seasons, healthy foods and habits, pollution, recycling etc. Making children aware and responsible for the environment around them.

Young Einstein 
A program for children to fall in love with science. Live experiments, topics such as : universe and space, solar system, planets, earth and it's wonders.

Story Telling 
A story session told using attractive books, hand puppets and finger puppets. Each class will have interactive group discussions or enactment to develop the child's language skills as well as confidence in speech and role playing.

Little Chefs
For all the master chefs in the making! A non-fire cookery program to make cooking a fun activity. To try eating a variety of food and learn the importance of good nutrition. The focus of the program is on kitchen skills such as peeling, mixing, kneading, rolling, tearing, chopping etc. 

Manners and Values
A series of classes aimed at teaching children about good manners and values such as honesty, obedience, sharing, generosity etc. Based on the Time Life Total Developmental  Program for emotional intelligence.

Movie Club
Just a chilled and relaxed time for kids to unwind from the hectic week and have some fun with popcorn and friends for company. Our library boasts of over twenty different titles of the famous children icon 'Barney - the dinosaur '. Other collections include Kipper the dog - mike inkpen, Handy Manny, Mickey mouse clubhouse, Winnie the Pooh, Dora the explorer and many other animated movies such as finding Nemo, lion king, ice age etc. 

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