Monday 30 March 2020

What to do during Quarantine time with your children

Hello all,

In this current situation of Covid- 19 pandemic where we with all our children are forced to stay at home,  we at Mindstein Montessori have made a list of activities which can be done with children at home.

 We know that the difficulties our families are facing are real and can be extremely challenging.
This post is the first of many to help you and your children be at your best during this trying time.
It includes many fabulous resources to use at home to help your children
You can look forward to our solution to Montessori without shelves and materials coming next

 A Sample Schedule to Make Your Own:
Before diving into this schedule, there are a few things to note. This is not an expectation, but it is a schedule your child is familiar with. The more familiar the routine, the more the child knows what to expect from their day. In addition, this can allow the adults caring for the children to create a sustainable, workable schedule for their household given this rough outline.

Daily Schedule
Important Notes
8 -9 am
Breakfast & Getting Ready for work
        Pro-Tip: Children under 6 are sensorial learners 
Let your child help you in preparing breakfast .Eg. Pouring milk for himself, buttering bread /slicing banana/apple.
 9 -10 am
Work Prep with Child
        Start the morning by getting set up with your child - put out paper for art activities, set up a snack shelf, fill a small pitcher for self-serve water, etc. The child can also help in household chores
like sweeping,  dusting, cleaning mirror/ window
10 – 12 am
Morning Self-Chosen Activity Time

(Aim for this to be a non- entertainment time: no TV, Tablets, Screens, or AudioBooks)

        Allow your child to do self-chosen activities. If the activity is new to your home, show them how it's done (not telling them how to do it). Give them a turn and let them use it independently.
Eg : Puzzles, Blocks, Worksheets
        Invest the first few days in establishing routines, expectations of putting things away. Once established, this can become time for the adult to do other things in the space with the child.  (Note: Children under 6 are attracted to Language, so if you start talking to someone else, they are likely going to be very interested in what you are doing. Try to plan your work to avoid your own interruptions by aiming for more intermittent work for this time - i.e. emails, household chores etc - and (if possible) more work calls and meetings for nap or if another caregiver is available for you to step out of the child’s space).
        Consider physical activity  around 11 : 00 am for gross motor play.  Let the child guide the pace - the destination isn’t important!
12 - 1 pm
Lunch Prep & Meal
        Begin with Lunch prep, which can include the child helping set the lunch table. If plates, cups and utensils are in a place they can reach, they can do this independently.
       Let the child help you make lunch. E.g. She can help by grating cucumber/carrot, preparing buttermilk, making rotis.
        Eat with the child (if possible)! By modeling sitting and eating, you will most likely see… sitting and eating.
1 - 4 pm
        Set a clear and specific routine and time for nap. If your child doesn't nap you can have quiet time where the child plays by himself and reads books.  You can incorporate a singing session.
 4 - 5 pm
        Upon waking, children are typically used to having a snack.  Snack time with some fun time. No screen time.
 5- 6 pm
 Art and Craft    
Do a fun activity. It can be painting, colouring or some craft work.
 6  - 7 pm
Exercise/ Physical movement

Do a fun workout with your children. They are used to outdoor play at this time. Since that is not possible as of now let's try and do some fun physical activity where they can spend their energy. E.g kicking the ball, jumping over a stick or crawling under chairs etc. One can play hopscotch, lemon and spoon race, obstacle race etc.
 7 -8 pm
 Dinner Time
Begin with dinner prep, which can include the child helping set the table. 
Have dinner together as a family
 8 - 9 pm
 Reading and     readying for  bedtime
Reading books together and talking about the day

Pro Tip: In the event you are giving your children some screen time, make it into a game. Dont let them become literal couch potatoes!! For eg. if they are watching Peppa Pig, each time Peppa snorts they Jump 5 times, or each time George says 'Dinosaur' the touch the floor 5 times. Be creative!

A glimpse at the activities that can be done at home :

Painting fun

Cleaning mirror/window

Grating Cucumber

Slicing Watermelon

Clothes peg activity